GPU and CPU Bottleneck Calculator: Everything You Should Know

Tech Qiah

When one acquires the fastest video card, they believe a slow processor will not deter the joy found in the game until a bottleneck bursts their bubble. This is an occurrence when one part of the computer limits how a better part of it performs. A bottleneck calculator helps you crack the cause by revealing how well your computer parts work together.

GPU and CPU Bottleneck Calculator

What A Bottleneck Does?

It affects overall computer performance through underperformance of the entire operating system or a component. For instance, a weak processor may limit the performance of a top-notch game graphics card.

Several factors can contribute to this such as:

  • a weak graphic card or processor
  • slow hard drive or
  • limited memory

It is paramount to identify and address bottlenecks so as to improve the overall performance of the computer for gaming and other tasks that demand speed for optimum performance.

What is a Bottleneck Calculator?

It is a website tool that helps you diagnose how well your computer parts work together by analyzing how fast your hardware responds to commands. It also shows the percentage at which a bottleneck limits the functioning of other computer components.

What Does This Calculator Do?

This software works in a simple way. It analyzes the configuration of a system or component and then compares it with a database of the benchmark results. The information is in turn used to make an estimation of the performance impact on components like GPU or CPU with more specification.

The details entail details on the:

Hardware Information: Shows how the components compare in terms of clock speed and cores.

Bottleneck percentage: It is a number that shows how much one computer part limits the other.

It is a great tool for beginners in the tech world; it gives a detailed picture of how well the computer parts can work together. This website tool is however not always perfect because it can be affected by the performance of the hardware in the real world. 

The tasks carried out, whether it is a game or running a program, can affect the performance of the PC parts.

Using Bottleneck Calculators Well

The calculator analyses the memory. RAM, cores of the computer to look out for potential bottlenecks. Once you have identified a suitable calculator, input your GPU and CPU model and RAM capacity for analysis.

Interpreting the Results

The results come in as a percentage indicating potential limitations in performance between the CPU and GPU.  A high percentage value hints that one component could be slowing the other down and vice versa.

This could not be the only hint, in the real world, other factors could be contributing to the slowdown. This is why the tool only provides an estimate. The RAM speed, hard disk storage or resolution could be an issue causing low performance.

While using it, makes life easier, always keep these things in mind:

Upgrades can be costly: When a calculator reveals that a part is causing a bottleneck, stop for a moment and consider the cost. Think about if you really need an upgrade of the hardware and the value it adds to the entire system.

PC Hardware changes fast: A component could be working well for a month or two after an analysis but turns into a bottleneck in the third month.

Calculators only give an estimate: The output of the calculator after hardware analysis depends on the programs running on your computer and the games you play. An introduction of a new game may reveal a different bottleneck.

The Difference Between CPU and GPU Bottlenecks

In a computing perspective, it exists in the PC hardware where either the GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) or CPU (Central Processing Unit) limit each other’s potential resulting in a performance drop.

A CPU one occurs when a CPU processor is slow at processing data from graphic cards. A GPU bottleneck, on the other hand, occurs when the graphics card does not render graphics as fast as it should be for the processor.

What Causes GPU and CPU Bottlenecks?

GPU Causes

  • Older graphics cards that lack the power to handle detailed graphics or deliver higher rates for the frame.
  • Slow data storage or insufficient RAM

CPU Causes

  • Slow CPU clock speed
  • Low core count

Indicators of a System with Bottlenecks

These systems point out the existence of a GPU or CPU bottleneck. If your system shows these signs, look out for these:

1. Over/ Under Utilization: If one component is under unusually high usage while the other is underutilized, a bottleneck is in play.

2. Level of Frames Per Second(FPS): If the FPS levels are lower than expected as far as the capabilities of the PC hardware are concerned.

3. Lack of Smooth Performance: Indicated when games do not run smoothly with bumpy frame rates despite them operating on low graphical settings.

How to Calculate a Bottleneck Percentage

When purchasing PC components, ensure that they work seamlessly together to avoid bottlenecks in future. This is made possible by purchasing this calculator that diagnoses and helps interpret the results. Use the results to fine-tune your system to improve your PC’s performance.

Calculating Manually

Manual calculation can take a toll on you but it is doable. Begin understanding the resolution role in GPU load, how storage and memory speed move data and how CPU speed and cores affect task performance.

Alternatively, diagnose them by monitoring how they perform tasks in the real world. Use MSI Afterburner to track how the hardware is used as well as identify the limiting component in your PC.


While minimizing bottlenecks aims at matching the GPU and CPU so that they operate at the same level. To mitigate this malfunction, update your drivers regularly for smooth running of the hardware. Also, analyze how RAM is utilized to note insufficient memory before it limits your PC’s potential.


How do I establish what is bottlenecking my PC components?

Monitor the system while using it for various tasks. For instance, if the CPU is bottlenecking the GPU, monitor the system’s performance when running applications that are graphically intense. If the result is close to 100%, with a low usage of the GPU, chances are a CPU bottleneck is at play.

What is the significant bottleneck % for a gaming performance?

Such has a negative effect on your gaming experience in terms of speed and storage. If analyzed and one component is at < 70% and the other is near 100% shows a potential problem. Values between 10-15 % is a cause for alarm in the gaming world.

Is it Advisable to acquire a bottleneck calculator?

Yes. Calculating bottlenecks manually is quite inaccurate and time-consuming. Make your life easier with technology.


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